It requires very some time to get the funds. As far as I can tell with other forex organizations, usually within a day, the most are two. In any case, for your organization for 3 to 6 days. Your advantage is you don’t charge extra fees.
Martin - January 11, 2019
After a number of disappointments in transferring money to the USA – using various banks and techniques – my transfer with XE was logical, honest and clear. Funds were transferred the next day as promised. And, the B Pay aspect allowed me the opportunity to choose the account best suited the purpose.
Much obliged
Allan - January 9, 2019
Same proficient service, most awed that the transfer times between nations had returned to the same day payment is received by Me. Most cheerful to prescribe this service as cost-effective quick and trouble-free. Always makes sure to get the best deal for his customer. Well Done!!!
Ian B - January 9, 2019
I’ve used this firm on a quite a few occasions in the last half of 2018 and now in 2019 to transfer funds abroad and find service is amazing and productive time wise. The one ‘snag’ I had with bank references was dealt with by XE in a very short time and transaction completed satisfactorily. Much more cost effective than using my Bank as well must have saved a grand in 6 months.
Gary - January 8, 2019
Site great, user-friendly, no issues.
The only surprise was that even though I did the transfer early morning on a Friday, doesn’t move till the next Tuesday and after that on to final destination. Looked like a longer delay than expected.
Antonio - January 11, 2019
It requires very some time to get the funds. As far as I can tell with other forex organizations, usually within a day, the most are two. In any case, for your organization for 3 to 6 days. Your advantage is you don’t charge extra fees.
Martin - January 11, 2019
After a number of disappointments in transferring money to the USA – using various banks and techniques – my transfer with XE was logical, honest and clear. Funds were transferred the next day as promised. And, the B Pay aspect allowed me the opportunity to choose the account best suited the purpose.
Much obliged
Allan - January 9, 2019
Same proficient service, most awed that the transfer times between nations had returned to the same day payment is received by Me. Most cheerful to prescribe this service as cost-effective quick and trouble-free. Always makes sure to get the best deal for his customer. Well Done!!!
Ian B - January 9, 2019
I’ve used this firm on a quite a few occasions in the last half of 2018 and now in 2019 to transfer funds abroad and find service is amazing and productive time wise. The one ‘snag’ I had with bank references was dealt with by XE in a very short time and transaction completed satisfactorily. Much more cost effective than using my Bank as well must have saved a grand in 6 months.
Gary - January 8, 2019
Site great, user-friendly, no issues.
The only surprise was that even though I did the transfer early morning on a Friday, doesn’t move till the next Tuesday and after that on to final destination. Looked like a longer delay than expected.