Lots of sellers are often not at all professional on that website. Very low prices attract people easily. Check their profile properly before you book a job, and contact them. So far from that, I found this platform very good based on my seller experience. Lots of useful features for managing your orders and designing jobs.
Ali Imam Al Morshed - February 26, 2019
Excellent experience at fiverr.com!!! I work as a seller on Fiverr.com and its perfect for Earning and full – time jobs, also they have a great staff who take great care of both sellers and buyers, unlike other i.e. Fiverr and everything!
Alon Fertig - January 22, 2019
What a great user-friendly website.
Lots of categories of all kinds.
Top-Notch quality service.
Nice design with a red logo.
A wonderful and catchy name.
I will no doubt continue to visit this site from time to time.
Alon Fertig
Neil S M - October 16, 2018
Overall good experience I have now had three projects via Fiverr -one for artwork and two for website development. Only on one occasion -for one of the websites -did the task get a little off, but it was corrected. The Fiverr platform itself is really user-friendly and I’m going to keep using it. If you’re looking to work with anyone on Fiverr, I strongly suggest that with a firm view of your budget, you give clear direction up front and then manage accordingly. Of course, you should try to work with people who have great feedback, it goes without saying.
Overall good experience I have now had three projects via Fiverr -one for artwork and two for website development. Only on one occasion -for one of the websites -did the task get a little off, but it was corrected. The Fiverr platform itself is really user-friendly and I’m going to keep using it. If you’re looking to work with anyone on Fiverr, I strongly suggest that with a firm view of your budget, you give clear direction up front
This is fantastic. It gives people a way to get money and express their personality from things they love to do. You can express and share what you love to do with others around the world. They have a great staff that is very helpful in answering all your questions with quick follow-ups and exceptional product knowledge.
Dan - March 27, 2019
Lots of sellers are often not at all professional on that website. Very low prices attract people easily. Check their profile properly before you book a job, and contact them. So far from that, I found this platform very good based on my seller experience. Lots of useful features for managing your orders and designing jobs.
Ali Imam Al Morshed - February 26, 2019
Excellent experience at fiverr.com!!! I work as a seller on Fiverr.com and its perfect for Earning and full – time jobs, also they have a great staff who take great care of both sellers and buyers, unlike other i.e. Fiverr and everything!
Alon Fertig - January 22, 2019
What a great user-friendly website.
Lots of categories of all kinds.
Top-Notch quality service.
Nice design with a red logo.
A wonderful and catchy name.
I will no doubt continue to visit this site from time to time.
Alon Fertig
Neil S M - October 16, 2018
Overall good experience I have now had three projects via Fiverr -one for artwork and two for website development. Only on one occasion -for one of the websites -did the task get a little off, but it was corrected. The Fiverr platform itself is really user-friendly and I’m going to keep using it. If you’re looking to work with anyone on Fiverr, I strongly suggest that with a firm view of your budget, you give clear direction up front and then manage accordingly. Of course, you should try to work with people who have great feedback, it goes without saying.
Overall good experience I have now had three projects via Fiverr -one for artwork and two for website development. Only on one occasion -for one of the websites -did the task get a little off, but it was corrected. The Fiverr platform itself is really user-friendly and I’m going to keep using it. If you’re looking to work with anyone on Fiverr, I strongly suggest that with a firm view of your budget, you give clear direction up front
Amar Aichoun - October 3, 2018
This is fantastic. It gives people a way to get money and express their personality from things they love to do. You can express and share what you love to do with others around the world. They have a great staff that is very helpful in answering all your questions with quick follow-ups and exceptional product knowledge.