Been using and suggesting Cloudflare on my own personal, family and friends sites, work, and customer sites for just over 9 years now. Since then, I’ve never been disappointed and not even once experienced any issues. What they offer is truly best in class, and their free service goes way beyond that. And, with the new DNS over HTTPS service, I can’t imagine what the internet would be without them. Thank you Cloudflare and keep up the great work.
Been using and suggesting Cloudflare on my own personal, family and friends sites, work, and customer sites for just over 9 years now. Since then, I’ve never been disappointed and not even once experienced any issues. What they offer is truly best in class, and their free service goes way beyond that. And, with the new DNS over HTTPS service, I can’t imagine what the internet would be without them. Thank you Cloudflare and keep up the
I think that Cloudflare is an absolute necessity to have on any site. The good thing is that they are constantly improving and having wonderful new features to speed up your sites, keep hackers away and so much more. At the present time, I am moving the all of my domain from my past registers to Cloudflare, they are offering retail price on numerous TLDs and free whois privacy and DNSSEC config. They are the best.
Arcenas 090 - December 27, 2018
The best end-end encrypted email service!
Completely the best. They have a fair amount of storage, and you can choose the mail domain you need which I lean toward Thank you for such excellent service!!!
Americo Pagliuca - June 15, 2018
I adore using Cloudflare as a single point of trustworthy distributed over my Internet world. Functionality just keeps on improving, and any published feature works as expected, at scale. It’s especially pleasant having the ability to rely on a provider with whom I won’t be competing. Thank you!!!
Amanda - April 17, 2015
Truly, changed the way in which we think about and CDN. We used to need to colocate servers for customers in various nations, not anymore. We use their service through our host Gazelle have in Melbourne. Fantastic!!!
Withheld - January 16, 2019
Been using and suggesting Cloudflare on my own personal, family and friends sites, work, and customer sites for just over 9 years now. Since then, I’ve never been disappointed and not even once experienced any issues. What they offer is truly best in class, and their free service goes way beyond that. And, with the new DNS over HTTPS service, I can’t imagine what the internet would be without them. Thank you Cloudflare and keep up the great work.
Been using and suggesting Cloudflare on my own personal, family and friends sites, work, and customer sites for just over 9 years now. Since then, I’ve never been disappointed and not even once experienced any issues. What they offer is truly best in class, and their free service goes way beyond that. And, with the new DNS over HTTPS service, I can’t imagine what the internet would be without them. Thank you Cloudflare and keep up the
Marco Diversi - January 16, 2019
I think that Cloudflare is an absolute necessity to have on any site. The good thing is that they are constantly improving and having wonderful new features to speed up your sites, keep hackers away and so much more. At the present time, I am moving the all of my domain from my past registers to Cloudflare, they are offering retail price on numerous TLDs and free whois privacy and DNSSEC config. They are the best.
Arcenas 090 - December 27, 2018
The best end-end encrypted email service!
Completely the best. They have a fair amount of storage, and you can choose the mail domain you need which I lean toward Thank you for such excellent service!!!
Americo Pagliuca - June 15, 2018
I adore using Cloudflare as a single point of trustworthy distributed over my Internet world. Functionality just keeps on improving, and any published feature works as expected, at scale. It’s especially pleasant having the ability to rely on a provider with whom I won’t be competing. Thank you!!!
Amanda - April 17, 2015
Truly, changed the way in which we think about and CDN. We used to need to colocate servers for customers in various nations, not anymore. We use their service through our host Gazelle have in Melbourne. Fantastic!!!